Due to the lack of time of a friend himself very talented with needle and thread, I designed and sewed this outfit for him. It is modelled after a few of Elrond's garments from LotR, but I decided not to stick to a particular one but to mix and match what looked best. From left to right in the picture: fabric for underrobe, robe, and lining.
The underrobe is made of olive green fabric, very soft and flowing, and BTW rather crappy to sew. Focus has been put on the sleeves, which are leaf-shaped. The yoke is modelled after Elrond's grey underrobe, and yoke as well as sleeves and collar are embroidered with gold thread.
The sash is the same fabric as the underrobe, with a narrower sash of the robe-lining in the centre.
The matching velvet robe is lined with reed-green-brownish fabric that has a wonderful, soft touch (hence would be ideal for an elven bathrobe *bfg*). Also here, the sleeves are leaf-shaped, but as long and wide as the amount of fabric I bought allowed (and I bought all there was left). As with the underrobe, the sleeves and the collar are embroidered in gold.